
Product Tested

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Old World Industries, LLC

Company and Product Information

Corporate Office:
Old World Industries, LLC
Northbrook, IL 60062

Website(s): peakhd.com

Old World Industries, LLC is among the largest privately-held companies competing in the automotive aftermarket. The Northbrook, Illinois-based company enjoys a presence in various consumer product markets in more than 50 countries worldwide. Old World's brands include a full line of PEAK® Automotive Products including Antifreeze Coolant, Motor Oil, Washer Fluid, Electronics and Wiper Blades; BlueDEF® Diesel Exhaust Fluid; Final Charge® Heavy Duty Global Extended Life Coolant; Fleet Charge® Fully Formulated Coolant; and HERCULINER® Truck Bed Liner Kits.
Source:  www.oldworldind.com

Final Charge Global 50/50 Prediluted
Coolant/Antifreeze Nitrite-Free Extended Life

Final Charge Global 50/50 Prediluted
Coolant/Antifreeze Nitrite-Free Extended Life

Manufactured For Old World Industries, LLC, Northbrook, IL

Purchased at: Cheyenne, WY

Date of purchase: 4/17/2018


Website(s): peakhd.com

Test Results and Assessment:

The freeze point of the sample tested meets the product’s labeled claim and based on the tests conducted, there are no issues with the quality of the product.


bottle icon
Apperance: Red and Clear
Physical Properties pass
Chemical Analysis pass
Labeling warning

Note: Although laboratory tests alone cannot be used to establish if coolant meets standards, they can be used to determine if it doesn't.

Physical Properties and Chemical Analysis  Peak Final Charge
Percent Antifreeze, (Based on Percent Glycol) 56
Freeze Point, (ASTM D3321) in ⁰F -50
Bitterant, (ASTM D7704) in ppm 65
pH, (ASTM D1287) 8.71
Color, (Visual) Red
Ion Chromatography (ASTM D5827)  
Glycolate, ppm Not Detected
Formate, ppm Not Detected
Chloride, ppm 5
Sulfate, ppm 6
Nitrite, ppm Not Detected
Nitrate, ppm 1,184
Phosphate, ppm Not Detected